The Bharat Scouts & Guides,Goa State Headquarters, Near Cine National , Panjim, GOA –403 001 TELEPHONE: (0832)- 2427 892

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Shri Prakash Naik, Secretary of Ponda District Scout and Guides Association is seen speaking at the installation ceremony of newly inducted Boy Scouts and Girl Guides of St. Mary’s High School, Ponda on October 23, 2010. Principal of the School, Sr. Annie Paul, District Training Commissioner of Bharat Scouts and Guides, Ponda Shri Shashikant Phadke , PRO Bharat Scouts and Guides Goa State HQ Shri John Aguiar were present.

Shri Prakash Naik, Secretary of Ponda District Scout and Guides Association said that Scouts and Guides movement offers an original framework in which young people in search of ideals, and who need to develop the life skills that will enable them to face the future, can seek ful-filment. Scout and Guide leaders he said play the role of mentors, thereby giving the young people the challenge, and the chance to practice independent decision-making.

Mr. Naik was speaking at the installation ceremony of newly inducted Boy Scouts and Girl Guides of St. Mary’s High School, at Ponda on October 23, 2010. The Scouting and Guides has been re-introduced in the school.

Principal of the School, Sr. Annie Paul, Superior Sr. Shaila Chako, District Training Commissioner of Bharat Scouts and Guides, Ponda Shri Shashikant Phadke , PRO Bharat Scouts and Guides Goa State HQ Shri John Aguiar were also present.

Shri Naik said, Lord Baden Powell's innovative and unique Scout method opened the way to an original way of life that is the trademark of the Scout Movement, now present in 215 countries and territories. With more than 28 million individual members active in Scouting, the Scout movement has remained the largest educational youth movement in the world.

He said it has become increasingly crucial, for any community that is seriously conscious of ensuring its future, to embrace the integration and empowerment of young people in the development process. Statistics show that more than 50% of the world's population is made up of young people. In numbers alone, the young persons constitute a strong social force, a force that deserves to be heard and seen in today’s development agenda. These young people are an asset to our nation and must be nurtured and developed. Today world is faced with numerous challenges ranging from poverty to environmental degradation, climatic change, global warming, conflicts, diseases, unemployment and HIV/AIDS just to mention a few. The young people and as leaders, it is our duty to design ways and approaches of involving, and integrating the young people into tackling some of these challenges.

District Training Commissioner of Bharat Scouts and Guides, Ponda, Shri Shashikant Phadke sang a song on Lord Baden Powell, the founder of Scouting Movement.

Bharat Scouts and Guides Goa State HQ Shri John Aguiar who is also an ex-student of the School and vice president of the Ex-Students Association congratulated the Scouts and Guides for joining this great movement and said it will help them to be confident and learn leadership and teamwork.

The scouts and guides were ceremoniously inducted into the World scout and guide fold after the scout promise was administered to them. Prayer song and flag songs rent the air on the occasion.

Principal of the School, Sr. Annie Paul welcomed. Scout Master Shri Jesuraj Soundraj and Guide captain Ms. Marilya Azavedo. Mrs. Traisa Monteiro proposed a vote of thanks.

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